[:en]The Ybarra Maldonado Law Group announced a commitment to giveway to the undocumented community in Phoenix metropolitan area $10,000.00. For the next five weeks they will be giving away $200 dollars a day to one family Monday through Friday. On Thursdays they will give away $1,000.00 to an undocumented individual or family in the community.
In a video release CEO Dr. Angeles J. Maldonado and Partners Ray Ybarra Maldonado and Jazmin Alagha announced the new initiative. The law firm practices in the areas of criminal, immigration, and personal injury for the Spanish speaking community. They firm hopes to encourage others to take similar actions and also strongly encourages the local governments to step up and help out the undocumented community that has been ignored by the federal government.
The coronavirus has had a tremendous impact on the entire country, while others have received stimulus checks and corporations have received millions the undocumented community has been completely left out. While the general sentiment is that everyone should stay home, the reality is that many families are unable to afford the luxury of staying at home because of financial reasons. The Ybarra Maldonado Law Group hopes to give back to the community that is currently being ignored.