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Top Arizona Traffic Lawyer in Phoenix, AZ

In the state of Arizona, many people have a crazy, hectic schedule. When a non-stop schedule is interrupted by a delay, any person can find themselves in a hurry. In Phoenix, receiving a traffic ticket for speeding or having any other traffic citation against your driving record could result in serious fines, a potential license suspension, or in severe cases, jail time. When your traffic ticket demands a court appearance to dispute the charge, many people panic, even if they didn’t do anything wrong. A court of law can be intimidating. If you need a wrongful charge dismissed and deleted from your driving record, contact an experienced Arizona traffic lawyer at Ybarra Maldonado Law Group.
Arizona Traffic Ticket Lawyer
The type of traffic ticket and factors surrounding the violation will often influence and determine the penalties.
For example, some traffic tickets hold penalties such as paying fines or leaving points against your driving record. In comparison, other penalties could result in long-lasting legal consequences. Given the risks and potential fines for getting a traffic ticket, speaking with a traffic violation attorney for a free initial case evaluation could help improve the odds against you. All information provided is confidential through an attorney-client relationship.
Once a law enforcement officer submits your traffic citation, the time to speak with an Arizona traffic ticket lawyer is crucial. Contact the AZ traffic lawyers at Ybarra Maldonado Law Group to represent your case and protect additional points or consequences from stacking up against you. Our Phoenix criminal defense lawyers will use their wealth of knowledge and experience to your advantage.
Arizona Criminal Traffic Violation
In Phoenix, AZ, there are significant ramifications for failure to abide by the law. Our experienced traffic attorneys provide legal criminal defense services for drivers charged with various types of criminal traffic violations. Our Phoenix criminal defense lawyers are here for you. We offer case evaluations for those accused of criminal traffic violations in Phoenix and litigate on their behalf. We handle cases involving alleged DUIs, excessive speeding, reckless driving, or other traffic violations involving criminal charges in the Phoenix and Scottsdale regions of Arizona.
Consequences of Criminal Traffic Violations
Criminal traffic charges could lead to significant fines, traffic points, and possible jail time. Additionally, failure to appear in court could result in the judge taking extreme measures against you. For instance, failure to attend a court hearing in Arizona will typically lead to an immediate bench warrant and suspended license.
Our attorneys will fight to save your license and keep you out of jail. Should the traffic violation involve a charge of criminal speeding against you, let our Arizona traffic attorneys help you. Allowing a human error like driving at a criminal speed can destroy your reputation, as well as cost you your job, house, and even your family. The YMLG attorneys work every angle in court to try and negotiate with prosecutors to reduce your charges and, if possible, drop to defensive driving school.
Civil Traffic Violation
Paying the price for a civil traffic violation may be the quickest route for an individual with an Arizona traffic ticket. However, an individual who wants to know more about their options and future potential consequences could benefit from a case evaluation with an Arizona traffic ticket lawyer at Ybarra Maldonado Law Group. You may even benefit from prosecutorial discretion, which basically means the police officer might let you off with a warning.
Traffic violators in Arizona will need an attorney who understands the consequences within your individual licensing state. Additionally, one should seek a civil traffic attorney with experience, a thorough understanding of the driving regulations, and ultimately an attorney who demonstrates a reputation for results.
Common Civil Traffic Violations
Common civil traffic violation cases we defend include but are not limited to:
- Violation of traffic signal
- Failing to signal when turning
- Driving without a driver’s license
- Failure to yield
- Following too close
- Moving violation
- Driving without insurance
Additionally, our Phoenix traffic attorneys could benefit your family by explaining when a civil traffic ticket’s consequences can be reduced to a defensive driving school sentence, or the possible effects if left unchanged without the defensive driving school reduction.
For those ineligible for defensive driving classes, school options remain available for your battle against the ticket violation against you.
When an unfortunate violation puts your driver’s license at risk, call to speak with an experienced Arizona traffic attorney at Ybarra Maldonado Law Group. Together, our lawyers will fight in court to help you against the accusations of your speeding ticket or traffic violation.
Phoenix Penalties for Traffic Tickets and Violations
The Phoenix penalties for traffic tickets and violations will often vary on the factors surrounding each Arizona traffic case. Regardless of the criminal traffic violation against you, an Arizona traffic ticket lawyer at Ybarra Maldonado Law Group is here to help. When the severity of the ticket involves excessive speeding, DUI, recklessness, or other traffic violations from law enforcement, call immediately to speak with one of our experienced attorneys for a case evaluation.
Excessive Speeding Ticket
Excessive speeding happens to classify as a category three misdemeanor in Arizona.
An individual could be found responsible for these charges if:
- Driving 20 mph above limits in a residential or business area.
- Driving 35 mph above limits in school zones or through crosswalks.
- Driving above 85 mph anywhere.
Penalties may vary. However, license suspension, jail time, and significant fees are punishments for most convictions in Arizona.
DUI Charges
Arizona DUI charges often fall under a misdemeanor offense unless aggravating factors exist.
Aggravated DUI
An individual in Arizona found operating a vehicle while intoxicated could face felony charges. The following aggravating factors exist:
- Driving under the influence with a minor in the vehicle
- Driving under the influence without a license or with a suspended license
- Receiving 2 or more DUIs within the past 7 years
- Driving recklessly or speeding excessively while under the influence
- Causing serious bodily harm to another person while driving under the influence
Those charged with an aggravated DUI in Phoenix will receive a mandatory prison sentence if convicted, as well as hefty fines.
Extreme DUI
If your blood alcohol concentration, or BAC, is higher than 0.15 when stopped by law enforcement, you can be charged with an extreme DUI in Phoenix.
Super Extreme DUI
If your BAC is 0.20 or higher, you may face a more severe penalty, a super extreme DUI charge.
Felony DUI Charges
If a wreck led to second-degree murder, manslaughter, or if the defendant received multiple DUI convictions within a limited period or has an established criminal record, they could be at risk for felony DUI charges. Each count has a chance of carrying the max terms for means of punishment in this state.
Reckless Driving
Under Arizona law, an individual who has no disregard for the safety of others while operating a motorized vehicle is demonstrating “reckless” behavior.
This class 2 misdemeanor is often fined heavily in Phoenix. Charges against an individual for reckless driving could mean having their license revoked, or potentially their driver’s license suspended, in some cases. Additionally, fees, license points, and up to four months of jail time are also possible punishments for recklessness while operating a vehicle.
Miscellaneous Traffic Violations
Other reasons one may need an experienced Phoenix traffic attorney include but aren’t limited to:
- Operating a vehicle while having a suspended license, or
- Court appearance no-show.
Both violations generally hold severe punishable consequences if found guilty.
How to Fight a Traffic Ticket in Arizona?
Some streets of Arizona, especially near Scottsdale Rd, can cause some individuals to willingly tally up their license points due to the street’s madness. Whether it’s from non-stop miles of red lights slow drivers, every individual is guilty of “bending the rules” at some point in their life. While no one condones negligent or criminal activity, people do make mistakes. Speeding should not bring life-altering punishments for most.
When you get caught in the act or if you received a ticket wrongfully, the way to fight an Arizona traffic ticket is by contacting the lawyers at Ybarra Maldonado Law Group.
Taking on this journey involves pleading not guilty during your appearance in court. Once accepted as your civil traffic ticket attorney, we will fight to have your charges dropped or reduced.
Simply showing up to support your version of the story with a legal representative gives you an opportunity for an additional hearing. This hearing will occur in the county court where the officer provided your ticket.
Providing your traffic ticket attorney a second attempt at demonstrating your innocence will require elements of proof to support a strong case. A judge will require strong evidence supporting proof that the events show your innocence. An example could include having testimony from an eyewitness to speak on behalf of your innocence.
How Can an AZ Traffic Ticket Lawyer Help?
When you hire an AZ traffic lawyer, your chances of a favorable outcome are increased, especially in cases where the defendant has previous criminal traffic history or felony charges.
The stakes are too high to represent yourself. Taking a chance to represent yourself in a case where you were caught operating a vehicle at a criminal speed, ineligible for traffic school, or even caught by law enforcement for a DUI is all too risky. Ybarra Maldonado Law Group has years of experience helping individuals in similar circumstances, even those with criminal traffic citations and criminal charges. Our attorneys are here to represent your traffic tickets case in Phoenix and Scottsdale, AZ.
Experienced Phoenix Traffic Lawyer
Contact the experienced Phoenix criminal defense lawyers at Ybarra Maldonado Law Group. Our dedicated team understands the importance of having a DUI, traffic violation, excessive speeding ticket, or reckless driving charge removed from your record. In Phoenix, a ticket can define your future, limit your goals, and be a complete career-ending mistake. Our traffic attorneys will work resiliently to prove your innocence and work to have your ticket or fines minimized or charges dismissed, if possible.
To schedule a case evaluation with us, please call our Phoenix law office at 602-910-4040 today.

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