asylum news

New Asylum Decision Announced by Racist Sessions



In this video, Abogado Ray discusses Attorney General Sessions decision in Matter of A-B. In Matter of A-B, Attorney General Sessions overturns decades of important case law that expanded those eligible for asylum in the United States.

“Attorney General Sessions all but took away the opportunity for someone to win their case based on violence that was done by private actors.”

In an obvious attempt to stop people from entering the country and claiming asylum, Attorney General Sessions all but took away the opportunity for someone to win their case based on violence that was done by private actors. This decision means those fleeing severe domestic violence and kidnapping from private individuals may not be able to pass their initial credible fear interviews.

In this video, Abogado Ray explains the decision and provides an insight into other dangerous statements made by the Attorney General.  Ultimately we encourage all those seeking asylum to continue to fight their cases and make the best record possible so this decision can someday be overturned. We are hopeful that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals will eventually overturn this decision.

If you or someone you know is fighting an asylum case or needs assistance with an asylum case, please give our office a call and schedule a free case evaluation. 602-910-4040. We are also available via private message on Facebook!


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