I think back to my childhood and all of the adults in my path who gave me guidance and who pushed me to pursue my dreams, regardless of the barriers that I had to overcome. I can’t help but feel a tremendous sense of absolute gratitude as I sit at my desk working in a career that I dreamed about for so many years. My journey stems from humble beginnings. Just a young, migrant kid, who went to public school, who worked hard to make his parents proud. I’ve often asked myself, “How can I give back so much of the time, love and guidance that my teachers and mentors invested in me?”
This question is what propels me to give back to our community. It is vital to invest in our children. They are our future. As cliché as that may sound, it is absolutely true. We live in a time where many marginalized communities are often left in the shadows, without a voice and in despair. Because of this, it is our duty to continue to inspire our children so that they may be empowered to change our world for the better. We can do this through the power of education. Our youth carry the worlds’ future in their hands.
I had the opportunity to speak to the children of T.G. Barr Elementary School for the Cesar Chavez Day school rally. I share this video with you all in hopes that it will inspire you to invest in our future.
When you look back on your legacy and what you left behind, what will the children living in this place and time remember?
By: Salvador Macias