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¿Qué es el Formulario N400 de USCIS, Solicitud de Naturalización?
Form N-400 is the naturalization application form used to apply for United States citizenship with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, USCIS. If you are 18 or older and are a green card or permanent resident holder in good moral standing, you can apply for citizenship through naturalization and receive a certificado de naturalización.
El USCIS es muy estricto cuando se trata de enviar su Formulario N-400. Cualquier formulario con respuestas incompletas o documentos faltantes puede potencialmente ser denegado, lo que resultaría en tener que comenzar el proceso nuevamente. Imprescindible contar con un experto Abogado de inmigración en Phoenix on your side throughout this process to help ensure that you have done everything correctly. The attorneys at Grupo Jurídico Ybarra Maldonado can assist you with your citizenship application to make sure that you have it completed correctly the first time.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre N400 y N600?
The main difference between Form N-400 and Form N-600 is whether you’re looking to become a United States citizen or you need to prove your current U.S. citizenship. Individuals that were born outside of the United States to U.S. citizens or adopted by parents with citizenship must file an N-600 instead of an N-400.
This form is not required if you were born in the United States and granted citizenship at birth. Even though your passport serves as your proof of citizenship, the N-600 may be necessary if you want to receive benefits like social security, financial aid, employment, passport renewal, and state-issued identification.
¿Quién puede presentar el formulario N-400?
You can only file an N-400 if you qualify for United States citizenship by naturalization. Despite a few exceptions, anyone applying for U/S. Citizenship needs to meet the following eligibility requirements:
- Debe tener al menos 18 años
- Must be a green card holder of at least five years OR three years if married to a U.S. citizen. If your name is different from what is on your green card, you will have to submit certain documents as evidence of your name change, such as a marriage certificate, divorce decree, or court documents.
- Debe vivir en el mismo estado de EE. UU. durante al menos tres meses antes de enviar su solicitud
- Debe conocer los conceptos básicos de la historia y el gobierno de los EE. UU.
- Debe poder leer, escribir y hablar inglés.
- Debe poder demostrar que tiene un buen carácter moral.
Anyone in the military service or naval service will have slightly different requirements.
If you have lost your green card or if you need a new one, you can file Form I-90, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card. Our attorneys can help you with the process of getting a reemplazo de tarjeta verde and ensure you have everything you need on your path to naturalization.
¿Quién no es elegible para presentar el formulario N-400?
No es elegible para presentar el Formulario N-400 si sus padres son ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos y vive en el extranjero. En su lugar, presentará el N-600, el certificado de ciudadanía. Cualquier persona con ciudadanía “adquirida” o “derivada” tampoco puede presentar un N-400 ya que su solicitud de ciudadanía es diferente.
¿Qué tan temprano puede alguien presentar el formulario N-400?
Usted es elegible para presentar su solicitud N-400 90 días antes de su tercer o quinto aniversario como residente permanente legal. Esto se considera presentación anticipada. El USCIS no aprobará ninguna presentación que ocurra antes de su fecha de aniversario, pero aceptará la solicitud para iniciar el proceso.
Hay un Calculadora USCIS disponible que calculará el primer día en que usted es elegible para presentar. Solo necesitas saber la fecha de tu aniversario. La calculadora restará 90 días y le informará lo antes que pueda presentar su formulario N-400.
¿Dónde envío mi formulario N400?
You can file your N-400 online via the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services online portal or mail your form to a USCIS service center or lockbox. If you’re mailing in your N-400, the location that you send it to will vary according to the state where you live. More information about mailing in your form and where to find the address you need to use can be found on the USCIS website.
Si está en el extranjero y presenta una solicitud, deberá solicitar una exención de tarifas y enviar el N-400 por correo.
¿Se puede presentar N400 en línea?
To file your N-400 online, you must first create a USCIS online portal account. Once you have created your online account, you will need to upload all supporting documents to the website. Then pay the filing fee.
Once you file, the USCIS will schedule your naturalization interview at your closest field office. In Phoenix, the USCIS field office is located at 1330 South 16th Street. At the naturalization interview, you will be asked questions regarding your application and take English and civics tests.
Una vez que pase las pruebas, el paso final del proceso es prestar juramento de lealtad en una ceremonia oficial en la que se convertirá en ciudadano de los Estados Unidos.
¿Qué documentos debe presentar con el formulario N400?
Anyone filing for naturalization must provide one or more of the following supporting documents with their N-400 application. You must also include a front and back photocopy of your green card. Below, we outline the required documents for submitting N400.
- Dos fotos de pasaporte idénticas en color que tengan un tamaño de 2 "x 2"
- Prueba de su estado civil. Esto puede incluir su certificado de matrimonio o divorcio, o certificado de defunción.
- Traducciones certificadas al inglés de cualquier documento necesario que esté en un idioma extranjero
- Documentos fiscales
- Form N-648: Medical Certification for Disability Exceptions
¿Cuánto tarda el procesamiento del formulario N-400?
Currently, the average processing time for the N-400 form is 15 and a half months. The entire naturalization process usually takes 18 to 24 months and includes the following:
- Procesamiento de solicitudes
- Entrevista y examen de ciudadanía.
- Ceremonia de juramento de lealtad
The processing time for your N-400 can vary depending on the USCIS location that you file with. The processing times are published on the USCIS website weekly. If the USCIS location is experiencing processing delays, the website should reflect that.
You can request expedited processing if you contact the USCIS Contact Center. In order to request expedited processing, you need your Número de recibo de USCIS, Un númeroy una copia de su solicitud para que pueda proporcionar los detalles de su caso.
¿Cuánto cuesta el formulario N400?
It costs $725 to file your Form N-400. The processing fee is $640, and $85 is for biometric services. Anyone older than 75 does not need to pay for servicios biométricos, so their total will be $640.
You may pay the filing fee with either a personal check, money order, or cashier’s check. Any payment must be made out to the “U.S. Department of Homeland Security.” If the address is incorrect or abbreviated, the USCIS will not process your payment. The filing fee can also be paid online with a credit card by filling out and signing Form G-1450.
Cualquiera que no pueda pagar la tarifa de presentación podría ser elegible para que se le exima o reduzca la tarifa.
Consejos para presentar el Formulario N-400
Siga estos consejos a continuación mientras trabaja en su solicitud N-400 para asegurarse de haber completado el formulario correctamente. Estos consejos son para aquellas personas que presentan su N-400 por correo.
- Only use black ink: The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services is very particular about the color ink that is used to complete applications. This is why it is recommended to fill out the N-400 online and then print it out for submission.
- Review your N-400 before filing: It’s critical to make sure that you have answered everything correctly and that all supporting documents are included with your N-400 application prior to submitting it to the USCIS. Anything missing or incorrect information could delay your application being processed or even result in your application being denied. Recently the USCIS created a new policy that increases the stakes of not completing your application correctly, which can result in starting the process all over again and paying the filing fee for a second time.
- Provide translations: If any of your supporting documents are in another language other than English, you will need to prove a certified translation of those documents.
- Submit a messy N-400: Do not submit a Form N-400 with any writing in the margins, anything crossed out, or writing that goes beyond the provided space. If anything in your document needs to be corrected prior to submission, it’s recommended to redo the application. Since the USCIS scans in the application, it’s recommended to redo your application instead of using whiteout or other correcting tape or fluid. If the machines used to scan Form N-400 detect any text that has been covered with whiteout, it could lead to processing delays or other errors.
- Submit extra paperwork: The application clearly states what documents are required to be submitted as photocopies instead of originals. If you submit any original documentation that the USCIS did not request or require, you could risk losing them as they might destroy these documents.
- Forget to sign: If your Form N-400 is missing your signature, the USCIS will usually reject it and ask you to submit a new one. Due to updated policies, the USCIS clearly states that any instructions that have not been followed, any mistakes on applications, or any missing documents could lead to your application being denied. If this happens, you will need to reapply and submit another application fee payment.
Preguntas frecuentes sobre el Formulario N-400
A continuación se presentan algunos datos adicionales del Formulario N-400 que pueden ayudarlo a navegar el proceso de presentación del N-400.
¿El formulario N-400 es elegible para procesamiento acelerado?
Puede solicitar el procesamiento acelerado de su Formulario N-400, pero no es elegible para el procesamiento acelerado. El procesamiento prioritario solo está disponible para el formulario I-129, el formulario I-140 y el formulario I-765 por una tarifa de presentación adicional.
¿Qué debo esperar de mi entrevista de ciudadanía?
Durante su entrevista de ciudadanía, se le pedirá que verifique la información que envió con su solicitud. El entrevistador también puede hacerle preguntas sobre sus antecedentes. La entrevista de ciudadanía suele durar unos 20 minutos.
¿Qué es la regla de tres años del formulario N400?
La regla de los tres años para el Formulario N-400 es que si está casado con un ciudadano de los Estados Unidos y vive en los EE. UU. como residente permanente durante al menos tres años, puede ser elegible para presentar su N-400. Si no cumple con los requisitos de la regla de los tres años, tendrá que esperar cinco años para solicitar la ciudadanía.
¿Puede presentar el formulario N-400 mientras el formulario I-751 está pendiente?
It is possible to file your N-400 while your Form I-751 is pending. If you have filed the Petition to Remove Conditions on Marriage, Form I-751, you should include the notice of receipt the USCIS sent you as confirmation that they were processing your I-751. This receipt is called Form I-797, Notice of Action.
Contact a Phoenix Immigration Lawyer Today for Help with Form N400
If you’re in the process of submitting your Form N-400, it is helpful to consult with an experienced immigration attorney. Our attorneys at the Ybarra Maldonado Law Group can help you with your application. We will ensure that you have all the required documentation. To schedule a case evaluation, call us today at (602) 910-4040 or submit an online form.