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Attorneys for Tractor Trailer Accidents in Phoenix

abogado de accidentes de tractores y remolques de Phoenix

Tractor trailers, because of their large size and weight, are very serious threats on the road. Tractor trailer accidents happen in the blink of an eye, and you might be left paying expensive medical bills. After suffering serious injuries from the negligence of a tractor trailer driver, the last thing you want is to be bombarded by insurance agents and massive trucking companies. What you need is an aggressive, experienced Phoenix tractor trailer accident lawyer who will fight for your compensation.

You need the experienced Abogados de lesiones personales en Phoenix of Ybarra Maldonado Law Group on your side. Instead of settling for low-ball offers from insurance companies, we take cases to trial. If you’ve been involved in a serious tractor trailer accident and want an attorney with dedication, experience, and extensive availability, look no further. YMLG is here to listen to your story, fight for just compensation, and give you your life back. Call today at 602-910-4040 para una consulta gratuita con un abogado de accidentes de vehículos comerciales en Phoenix.

What Is a Tractor Trailer?

A tractor trailer, also known as a semi-truck or 18-wheeler, is a large vehicle consisting of a powerful tractor unit that hauls a trailer carrying cargo. These trucks are commonly used for long-distance transport of goods and can weigh up to 80,000 pounds when fully loaded. Due to their size and weight, tractor trailers can cause significant damage in collisions, which is why truck accident cases involving these vehicles often result in severe injuries or fatalities.

Tractor Trailer vs Semi Truck

The terms “tractor trailer” and “semi truck” are often used interchangeably, but there is a slight difference. A semi truck refers specifically to the tractor, which is the engine-powered front part of the vehicle, while a tractor trailer refers to both the tractor and the attached trailer carrying the cargo. 

Understanding this distinction can be important for truck accident victims seeking compensation, as different aspects of the vehicle may be at fault. An experienced Phoenix truck accident attorney can help victims navigate the complexities of these cases to ensure they receive the compensation they deserve.

Why Are Tractor Trailer Accidents More Dangerous?

Obviamente, el tamaño y el peso juegan un factor importante en por qué los remolques de tractor son más peligrosos que el vehículo de pasajeros promedio. Solo la masa de estos vehículos los hace mortales. Además de eso, tienen una capacidad de frenado comparativamente pobre. Simplemente no pueden detenerse tan rápido como un automóvil pequeño debido a todo el peso que arrastran detrás de ellos. 

Tampoco pueden maniobrar a través del tráfico tan fácilmente como los vehículos de pasajeros. Los operadores toman giros amplios y no pueden moverse a espacios reducidos para evitar un choque. Por último, los materiales a bordo a veces tienen el potencial de convertir un choque menor en una explosión literal. Muchos conductores están a cargo de grandes cantidades de combustible y material inflamable. Todos estos factores contribuyen a que los accidentes con remolques de tractor sean extremadamente mortales.

Jackknifed Tractor Trailer Crash

A jackknifed tractor trailer crash occurs when the trailer swings out to the side of the tractor, forming an L or V shape, similar to a folding pocket knife. This dangerous situation often happens when the driver loses control, typically due to sudden braking, slick road conditions, or sharp turns. Jackknifing can lead to devastating multi-vehicle collisions, as the trailer may block multiple lanes of traffic. 

For accident victims, a jackknifed truck accident case can be complex, as multiple factors and parties, including the truck driver and trucking company, may be involved. Trucking accidents like these often result in severe injuries, making legal representation crucial.

What Causes Tractor Trailer Crashes in Phoenix?

tractor trailer accident lawyer phoenix

Los accidentes de tractores con remolques son una de las principales causas de muerte y lesiones en la carretera. En la mayoría de los casos, los vehículos de pasajeros sufren mucho más daño que el remolque del tractor. Pero, ¿qué causa que estos vehículos comerciales se estrellen? 

Nuestros abogados experimentados enumeran varias causas de accidentes de tractocamiones, algunas de las cuales son intencionales y otras no.

  • Algunos accidentes resultan de que el vehículo se desplaza sobre la línea central o se sale de la carretera por completo. También se citan el exceso de velocidad, la pérdida de control, la falta de atención y la agresión del conductor.
  • El incumplimiento de los conductores es otra fuente. Esto incluye fatiga, enfermedad y la influencia de drogas o alcohol.
  • El mal funcionamiento del vehículo, las piezas defectuosas, el mal tiempo y las carreteras en mal estado también provocan accidentes.

What Should You Do If You Are in a Tractor Trailer Accident in Phoenix?

Tractor trailer accidents are often devastating, with massive medical bills and totaled vehicles. They terrify even the most experienced drivers, and can leave you at a loss. At YMLG, we understand how complex and confusing these situations are. Our compassionate tractor trailer accident lawyers will guide you through this step-by-step process of personal injury claims until you get the compensation you deserve.

  1. Deténgase e informe inmediatamente el accidente a la policía. Permanezca en el lugar a menos que necesite atención médica inmediata. Una vez que llegue un oficial y complete un informe de accidente, solicite una copia. Esta es una evidencia valiosa si termina en la corte.
  2. Busque atención médica. Incluso si no puede ver o sentir ninguna lesión al principio, un médico puede proporcionar un examen más completo. Cuanto antes busque tratamiento, antes podrá buscar una compensación por sus lesiones.
  3. Identifique a todas y cada una de las partes involucradas. Asegúrese de conocer la compañía del camión que lo golpeó, así como las características únicas de ese camión, si es posible. Obtenga siempre el nombre y la información de contacto del operador, así como la información de su seguro. También trate de obtener su número de licencia de conducir y la información de contacto de su empleador.
  4. Recoger declaraciones de testigos o simplemente tome su información de contacto si necesita más detalles sobre el accidente.
  5. Take pictures of and notes about the accident for later use. These photos count as evidence in your case for injuries, damage to your vehicle, and more.
  6. Sea consciente de lo que dice. Si un ajustador de seguros se comunica con usted con respecto al accidente, intentarán usar sus declaraciones en su contra. Siempre hable con un abogado con experiencia en accidentes de tractocamiones lo antes posible antes de dar declaraciones.

Who Is Liable in a Phoenix Tractor Trailer Accident?

Liability in these cases depends on a number of factors. The truck driver seems like the most likely candidate for assigning liability, but many other parties may also be responsible for the crash. We’ve compiled a list of potential parties to be held responsible for your injuries in a tractor trailer accident. In any case, we will prove negligence on your behalf to award you with just compensation.

  • El operador del remolque del tractor
  • La empresa de camiones
  • Propietarios de remolques
  • Fabricantes de repuestos para camiones
  • Contratistas independientes
  • Transportistas de carga
  • Las compañías de seguros

Someone in that list is responsible for your injuries and property damages. At YMLG, our Phoenix personal injury attorneys will use their experience in the courtroom to get what you’re entitled to.

What Is the Statute of Limitations for Tractor Trailer Truck Accidents in Arizona?

In general, the Arizona statute of limitations for truck accidents extends 2 years from the time and date of the accident. Once your accident occurs, you have 2 years to file a lawsuit. What this means is that, the sooner you file your claim, the better. Even if you don’t need help paying your medical bills at first, your expenses resulting from the accident will likely build up over time.

Recomendamos presentar su reclamo o demanda lo antes posible para evitar cargas financieras innecesarias. Si espera hasta que pase el límite de 2 años, ya no podrá presentar su reclamo. Esto es cierto a menos que cumpla con ciertas excepciones.

  • Rule of Discovery: For example, you might not know that you have any injuries after the accident. If you discover at a later date that you did, in fact, get injured during the accident, your 2-year “clock” begins anew.
  • If the Victim Is a Minor: The statute of limitations is delayed, but resumes on the date that the victim turns 18.
  • Muerte injusta: The “clock” starts at the time of the victim’s death, which could be much later than the accident itself.

Leyes de camiones de Arizona

tractor trailer accident attorney phoenix

Como muchos otros estados, Arizona tiene leyes estrictas con respecto a los tractores y operadores de tractocamiones. Estas reglas y regulaciones abarcan varios factores, incluido el peso máximo, el tamaño máximo y más. En esta sección, los abogados expertos de YMLG describen las leyes básicas de transporte de Arizona con respecto a los remolques de tractor.

Dentro de una jornada laboral de 14 horas, el conductor de un tractor con remolque solo puede operar el vehículo durante 11 horas continuas como máximo. Una vez que alcanzan ese umbral máximo, deben descansar durante al menos 10 horas seguidas antes de volver a ponerse al volante.

Los operadores tampoco pueden conducir después de 60 horas de servicio en 7 consecutivos, o 70 horas de servicio en 8 días consecutivos. Este período de 7 u 8 días se reinicia una vez que el conductor toma al menos 34 horas o más fuera de servicio.

Las cargas legales de remolques de tractor en Arizona abarcan un máximo de 65 pies de largo, 8 pies y 6 pulgadas de ancho, 14 pies de alto y 80,000 libras de peso.

Anything over those maximum limits must have a permit from the Departamento de Transporte de Arizona. These permits still have restrictions, however. Oversized or heavy loads in Arizona encompass a maximum of 120 feet in length, 14 feet in width, 16 feet in height, and 250,000 pounds in weight.

Todos los operadores de tractocamiones deben recibir la licencia comercial correspondiente antes de ponerse al volante. Estas licencias garantizan que los operadores estén debidamente capacitados en el desempeño de su trabajo.

Los remolques de tractores comerciales están regulados tanto por el estado de Arizona como por el gobierno federal. Estas regulaciones cubren sus procesos de fabricación y reparación.

Arizona regula el transporte de desechos peligrosos. Los materiales peligrosos incluyen diferentes tipos de combustibles, productos químicos y productos de desecho.

Todas las reglas y regulaciones de Arizona están vigentes para proteger a los automovilistas en la carretera, tanto dentro como fuera del remolque del tractor. Las leyes estatales y federales sobre remolques de tractores funcionan para prevenir situaciones como la fatiga del conductor, piezas defectuosas, fallas del equipo o mantenimiento inadecuado.

Tractor Trailer Explosion Accidents

Tractor trailer explosion accidents occur when a collision or mechanical failure causes a commercial truck to catch fire or explode, often due to hazardous materials or fuel carried by the truck. These explosions can result in lesiones catastróficas or fatalities, not only for the truck driver but also for other motorists nearby. 

For accident victims, the aftermath of such a trucking accident can be overwhelming, as they may suffer from severe burns, respiratory damage, or other life-altering injuries. The complexity of cases involving commercial trucks, especially those carrying hazardous materials, makes it critical for victims to seek legal guidance to hold the responsible parties accountable.

When Should I Talk to Tractor Trailer Truck Accident Lawyers in Phoenix?

For the best possible results, we recommend speaking with a Phoenix tractor trailer accident lawyer as soon as possible. If you were involved in an accident with a tractor trailer in Phoenix, you need the experienced personal injury attorneys at Ybarra Maldonado Law Group. We dedicate ourselves to helping the victims of negligent drivers get the compensation they deserve. 

As one of Phoenix’s top personal injury law groups, we aren’t afraid to take your case to a jury trial to secure a win. To learn more about how we can help you, call 602-910-4040 hoy mismo o complete nuestro formulario de admisión en línea para programar su consulta gratuita.

Skilled and Compassionate Phoenix Tractor Trailer Accident Law Firm

After a tractor trailer accident, the legal process can be overwhelming, especially for those recovering from serious injuries. Unlike typical car accidents, truck accidents often involve multiple parties, including the truck driver, trucking company, and even manufacturers of defective truck parts. 

This complexity makes it crucial for injured victims to have experienced truck accident attorneys on their side. At Ybarra Maldonado Law Group, our team understands the nuances of these cases and can help navigate the legal system to ensure victims receive the compensation they deserve.

One of the key ways a Phoenix tractor trailer accident lawyer can help victims is by conducting a thorough investigation of the accident. This includes gathering evidence like driver logs, maintenance records, and data from the truck’s black box. This can reveal crucial details about the moments leading up to the crash.

The truck accident attorneys at Ybarra Maldonado Law Group are skilled at identifying the responsible parties, whether it’s the driver’s negligence, poor vehicle maintenance, or unsafe company policies. This ensures that all liable parties are held accountable.

Additionally, tractor trailer accidents often result in life-changing injuries that require long-term medical care, rehabilitation, and sometimes, significant lifestyle changes. Ybarra Maldonado Law Group fights to ensure that victims are compensated not only for their immediate medical expenses, but also for future medical needs, lost wages, and the pain and suffering they endure.

Contact an Experienced Truck Accident Lawyer in Phoenix at Ybarra Maldonado Law Group

If you or a loved one has been injured in a Phoenix tractor trailer accident, don’t face the aftermath alone—contact Grupo Jurídico Ybarra Maldonado today to get the support and representation you need. Truck drivers and the companies they work for often have powerful legal teams on their side, which is why you need a good truck accident lawyer to level the playing field.

At Ybarra Maldonado Law Group, our experienced attorneys are dedicated to fighting for injured victims and ensuring they receive the compensation they deserve. Don’t wait—contact us today for a case evaluation, and let us help you get the justice you’re entitled to after a devastating truck accident.



Nuestros directores de YMLG están comprometidos con la excelencia y la atención al cliente, nuestro equipo lidera con integridad y experiencia, garantizando que usted reciba el mejor servicio y apoyo.

Ray A. Ybarra Maldonado, Esq.

Fundador y abogado principal
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Dr. Ángeles Maldonado


galilea ayala

Director del estado de Florida

Aarón López Anchondo

Director Ejecutivo de Innovaciones

Janet Rocha

Director de operaciones comerciales

